49 std::vector<int>
const wxString& sSymbol,
int nStyle,
int nStartPos = 0,
int nEndPos = -1,
bool bSearchInComments =
The class of the editor window.
The terminal class for the GUI. It's a specialisation of the GenericTerminal.
This class handles all specialized search requests of the assigned editor.
void AppendToDocumentation(wxString &sDocumentation, const wxString &sNewDocLine)
Appends the text to the current documentation.
std::vector< int > FindAll(const wxString &sSymbol, int nStyle, int nStartPos=0, int nEndPos=-1, bool bSearchInComments=false)
Finds all occurences of a code symbol considering the style.
int FindNamingProcedure()
Searches the file for the naming procedure.
wxString FindProceduresInCurrentFile(wxString sFirstChars, wxString sSelectedNameSpace)
Finds procedures, which might match the passed word start.
wxString FindMarkedProcedure(int charpos, bool ignoreDefinitions=true)
Extracts the procedure call at the selected position.
wxString FindNameSpaceOfProcedure(int charpos)
Finds the current namespace for the procedure call.
std::string CleanDocumentation(const wxString &__sDoc)
Checks layout and finishes styling of the documentation string.
wxString GetNameOfNamingProcedure()
Returns the required procedure name for the current file.
SearchController(NumeReEditor *edit, NumeReTerminal *terminal)
wxString FindProcedureDefinition()
Searches the definition below the cursor.
wxString FindProcedureDefinitionInLocalFile(const wxString &procedurename)
Search the procedure definition in the local file.
wxString FindMarkedInclude(int charpos)
Constructs the file name of the included file.
NumeReTerminal * m_terminal
wxString FindClickedProcedure()
Gets the name of the clicked procedure.
wxString FindClickedInclude()
Gets the name of the clicked include file.
std::vector< wxString > getProceduresInFile()
Creates a list of procedures in the current file.
int FindCurrentProcedureHead(int pos)
Find the procedure head line for the selected position.
wxString FindClickedWord()
Returns the word under the cursor while clicking.