NumeRe v1.1.4
NumeRe: Framework für Numerische Rechnungen
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 NumeRe: Framework fuer Numerische Rechnungen
3 Copyright (C) 2018 Erik Haenel et al.
5 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with this program. If not, see <>.
20#ifndef TERMINAL_HPP
21#define TERMINAL_HPP
23#ifdef __GNUG__
24#pragma interface
27#include <map>
28#include "../NumeReWindow.h"
29#include "../../common/Options.h"
30#include "gterm.hpp"
31#include "../../kernel/kernel.hpp"
36#define EVT_TERM_RESIZE(id, fn) { wxEVT_COMMAND_TERM_RESIZE, id, -1, (wxObjectEventFunction) (wxEventFunction) (wxCommandEventFunction) &fn, (wxObject *)NULL },
38class TerminalCallTip;
45class NumeReTerminal : public wxWindow, public GenericTerminal, public wxThreadHelper
47 // Easier to use the NumeReKernel as a friend
48 // to create the communication
49 friend class NumeReKernel;
50 friend class DebugViewer;
52 private:
53 int
77 unsigned char
80 bool
88 wxColour
91 wxPen
94 wxFont
100 wxDC
103 wxMemoryDC
106 wxBitmap
109 wxTimer
116 public:
118 {
120 COLOR = 0,
122 FONT = 2
123 };
126 {
127 if (frame && !m_wxParent)
128 m_wxParent = frame;
129 }
131 {
132 return m_charHeight;
133 }
135 private:
136 void pipe_command(const std::string& sCommand);
140 bool filterKeyCodes(int keyCode, bool ctrlDown);
141 void scrollToInput();
142 void MarkSelection(bool bRectangular = false);
143 void DoDrawCursor(int fg_color, int bg_color, int flags,
144 int x, int y, unsigned char c);
146 // Private event handler functions
147 void OnChar(wxKeyEvent& event);
148 void OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& event);
149 void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event);
150 void OnLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& event);
151 void OnLoseMouseCapture(wxMouseCaptureLostEvent& event);
152 void OnLeftUp(wxMouseEvent& event);
153 void OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& event);
154 void OnEnter(wxMouseEvent& event);
155 void OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& event);
156 void OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event);
157 void OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event);
158 void OnGainFocus(wxFocusEvent& event);
159 void OnLoseFocus(wxFocusEvent& event);
161 void Busy();
162 void Ready();
164 protected:
165 virtual wxThread::ExitCode Entry();
167 wxCriticalSection m_kernelCS;
174 std::string m_sCommandLine;
175 std::string m_sAnswer;
177 public:
178 // Constructor and destructor
179 NumeReTerminal(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
180 Options* _option,
181 const wxString& sPath,
182 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
183 int width = 80, int height = 24,
184 const wxString& name = "wxTerm");
185 virtual ~NumeReTerminal();
187 // Kernel communication functions
188 void pass_command(const std::string& command, bool isEvent);
189 NumeRe::Table getTable(const std::string& sTableName);
190 NumeRe::Container<std::string> getStringTable(const std::string& sStringTableName);
193 {
194 return _kernel;
195 }
196 void setKernelSettings(const Settings&);
197 void EndKernelTask();
198 void CancelCalculation();
199 void StartKernelTask();
200 void OnThreadUpdate(wxThreadEvent& event);
201 void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event);
202 std::vector<std::string> getPathSettings();
203 const std::vector<Package>& getInstalledPackages();
204 std::map<std::string, std::string> getMenuMap();
205 void updatePackage(const std::string& package);
206 void passEditedTable(NumeRe::Table _table);
208 {
209 wxCriticalSectionLocker lock(m_kernelCS);
211 }
212 void addBreakpoint(const std::string& _sFilename, size_t nLine);
213 void removeBreakpoint(const std::string& _sFilename, size_t nLine);
214 void clearBreakpoints(const std::string& _sFilename);
217 {
218 wxCriticalSectionLocker lock(m_kernelCS);
220 }
222 {
223 wxCriticalSectionLocker lock(m_kernelCS);
225 }
227 {
228 wxCriticalSectionLocker lock(m_kernelCS);
230 }
232 {
233 wxCriticalSectionLocker lock(m_kernelCS);
235 }
236 std::string getDocumentation(const std::string& sCommand);
237 std::vector<std::string> getDocIndex();
238 std::map<std::string, std::string> getPluginLanguageStrings();
239 std::map<std::string, std::string> getFunctionLanguageStrings();
241 {
243 }
246 // Styling functions
247 bool SetFont(const wxFont& font);
248 void GetDefColors(wxColor colors[16], NumeReTerminal::BOLDSTYLE boldStyle = NumeReTerminal::DEFAULT);
250 {
251 return m_curBlinkRate;
252 }
253 void SetCursorBlinkRate(int rate);
255 // Copy-pasting
256 void copyText();
257 void pasteText();
258 void cutText();
260 // Text printing functions
261 virtual void DrawText(int fg_color, int bg_color, int flags, int x, int y, const std::string& sText) override;
262 virtual void DrawCursor(int fg_color, int bg_color, int flags, int x, int y, unsigned char c) override;
264 virtual void Calltip(int x, int y, NumeRe::CallTip& _cTip) override;
265 virtual void CalltipCancel() override;
267 virtual void ClearChars(int bg_color, int x, int y, int w, int h) override;
268 virtual void ProcessInput(int len, const std::string& sData) override;
269 virtual void ProcessOutput(int len, const std::string& sData) override;
271 // Terminal control functions
272 void ScrollTerminal(int numLines, bool scrollUp = true);
273 void ClearSelection();
274 bool HasSelection();
275 wxString GetSelection();
277 {
278 return GetThread() && GetThread()->IsRunning();
279 }
280 void UpdateSize();
281 void UpdateColors();
282 virtual void ModeChange(int state) override;
283 virtual void Bell() override;
284 virtual void ResizeTerminal(int width, int height) override;
285 virtual void UpdateRemoteSize(int width, int height);
286 void clearTerminal();
289 {
290 return m_charsInLine;
291 }
293 {
294 return m_linesDisplayed;
295 }
300#endif /* TERMINAL_HPP */
An implementation of a generic terminal, which has to be specialized in the child classes.
Definition: gterm.hpp:42
This data container is a copy- efficient table to interchange data between Kernel and GUI.
Definition: table.hpp:87
This class provides the interface to the core of NumeRe. It provides all functionalities,...
Definition: kernel.hpp:97
Definition: kernel.hpp:134
Definition: kernel.hpp:133
Definition: kernel.hpp:131
The terminal class for the GUI. It's a specialisation of the GenericTerminal.
Definition: terminal.hpp:46
std::vector< std::string > getDocIndex()
Gets the contents of the documentation index as a vector.
Definition: terminal.cpp:324
TerminalCallTip * m_callTip
Definition: terminal.hpp:75
NumeReKernel & getKernel()
Definition: terminal.hpp:192
int GetTermHeight()
Definition: terminal.hpp:292
NumeReVariables getVariableList()
This will return the variable list from the kernel to be shown in the variable viewer.
Definition: terminal.cpp:369
void ClearSelection()
Definition: terminal.cpp:1382
void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent &event)
Definition: terminal.cpp:1233
NumeReKernel::KernelStatus m_KernelStatus
Definition: terminal.hpp:168
void OnThreadUpdate(wxThreadEvent &event)
This function is the thread update event handler member function. Here are all returned messages from...
Definition: terminal.cpp:573
wxFont m_boldUnderlinedFont
Definition: terminal.hpp:98
bool IsWorking()
Definition: terminal.hpp:276
virtual void UpdateRemoteSize(int width, int height)
Fallback for the virtual definition.
Definition: terminal.cpp:2278
std::map< std::string, std::string > getPluginLanguageStrings()
This will return the language strings for the plugins used by the language class for filling the symb...
Definition: terminal.cpp:339
bool m_bTableEditAvailable
Definition: terminal.hpp:170
bool m_inUpdateSize
Definition: terminal.hpp:84
void passEditedTable(NumeRe::Table _table)
Passes a table (as a container) to the kernel.
Definition: terminal.cpp:245
NumeReTerminal(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, Options *_option, const wxString &sPath, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, int width=80, int height=24, const wxString &name="wxTerm")
Terminal constructor.
Definition: terminal.cpp:85
Options * m_options
Definition: terminal.hpp:114
void OnSize(wxSizeEvent &event)
Definition: terminal.cpp:2264
void cutText()
Implements copy to clip board and deleting the selection.
Definition: terminal.cpp:1553
void DoDrawCursor(int fg_color, int bg_color, int flags, int x, int y, unsigned char c)
Definition: terminal.cpp:1662
void pipe_command(const std::string &sCommand)
Pass the entered command line to the kernel.
Definition: terminal.cpp:901
void EndKernelTask()
This function forces the thread to terminate so that the application may be shut down.
Definition: terminal.cpp:535
wxMemoryDC m_memDC
Definition: terminal.hpp:104
NumeRe::Table getTable(const std::string &sTableName)
This function will return the named table from the kernel to be shown in a GUI window.
Definition: terminal.cpp:964
wxTimer m_timer
Definition: terminal.hpp:110
virtual void Bell() override
Definition: terminal.cpp:1935
virtual void Calltip(int x, int y, NumeRe::CallTip &_cTip) override
Function reimplementation to display a tooltip requested by the GenericTerminal.
Definition: terminal.cpp:1839
NumeReKernel _kernel
Definition: terminal.hpp:166
void OnGainFocus(wxFocusEvent &event)
Definition: terminal.cpp:2184
virtual void DrawCursor(int fg_color, int bg_color, int flags, int x, int y, unsigned char c) override
Definition: terminal.cpp:1749
int getTextHeight()
Definition: terminal.hpp:130
bool m_selecting
Definition: terminal.hpp:81
void StartKernelTask()
This member function will start the managed, second thread, in which the kernel will operate.
Definition: terminal.cpp:415
wxDC * m_curDC
Definition: terminal.hpp:101
void OnLoseMouseCapture(wxMouseCaptureLostEvent &event)
This member function handles the "MouseCaptureLostEvent" and releases the mouse.
Definition: terminal.cpp:1280
void clearTerminal()
This member function clears the terminal.
Definition: terminal.cpp:2290
virtual ~NumeReTerminal()
Terminal destructor.
Definition: terminal.cpp:168
void UpdateLibrary()
Definition: terminal.hpp:240
virtual void ModeChange(int state) override
Definition: terminal.cpp:1915
bool HasSelection()
Definition: terminal.cpp:1477
wxString GetSelection()
Definition: terminal.cpp:1492
wxColour * m_colors
Definition: terminal.hpp:89
void OnLeftDown(wxMouseEvent &event)
Definition: terminal.cpp:1260
const std::vector< Package > & getInstalledPackages()
Returns the installed plugins as a STL vector.
Definition: terminal.cpp:200
void copyText()
Implements copy to clip board.
Definition: terminal.cpp:1506
virtual void ProcessOutput(int len, const std::string &sData) override
Processes text received from the kernel.
Definition: terminal.cpp:2146
void continueDebug()
Definition: terminal.hpp:216
void stepDebug()
Definition: terminal.hpp:221
void Busy()
Inform the GUI that the kernel is currently busy.
Definition: terminal.cpp:2215
bool filterKeyCodes(int keyCode, bool ctrlDown)
This private member function filters special key codes and handles them.
Definition: terminal.cpp:1070
virtual void CalltipCancel() override
Function reimplementation to close the previously opened calltip.
Definition: terminal.cpp:1865
void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event)
This function forces the thread to terminate immediately. Should only occur in situations,...
Definition: terminal.cpp:554
void pasteText()
Implements paste from clip board.
Definition: terminal.cpp:1528
void OnLoseFocus(wxFocusEvent &event)
Definition: terminal.cpp:2201
void stepOverDebug()
Definition: terminal.hpp:226
void leaveDebug()
Definition: terminal.hpp:231
std::string m_sCommandLine
Definition: terminal.hpp:174
void MarkSelection(bool bRectangular=false)
Definition: terminal.cpp:1403
virtual void ClearChars(int bg_color, int x, int y, int w, int h) override
Definition: terminal.cpp:1887
void OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent &event)
Definition: terminal.cpp:1187
void cancelTableEdit()
Definition: terminal.hpp:207
void ScrollTerminal(int numLines, bool scrollUp=true)
Definition: terminal.cpp:2247
void pass_command(const std::string &command, bool isEvent)
Pass the external command to the kernel without printing it to the console.
Definition: terminal.cpp:925
void updatePackage(const std::string &package)
Updates an installed package with new information after the user created a package with the package c...
Definition: terminal.cpp:230
bool m_bTableEditCanceled
Definition: terminal.hpp:171
virtual void DrawText(int fg_color, int bg_color, int flags, int x, int y, const std::string &sText) override
Definition: terminal.cpp:1578
Settings getKernelSettings()
This will return a copy of the internal settings object of the kernel.
Definition: terminal.cpp:383
void CancelCalculation()
Inform the kernel to stop the current calculation. Used to handle the ESC key press.
Definition: terminal.cpp:994
NumeReWindow * m_wxParent
Definition: terminal.hpp:112
bool m_updateProcedureLibrary
Definition: terminal.hpp:86
wxFont m_underlinedFont
Definition: terminal.hpp:96
wxFont m_normalFont
Definition: terminal.hpp:95
int m_scrollBarWidth
Definition: terminal.hpp:71
int m_curBlinkRate
Definition: terminal.hpp:69
bool m_bCommandAvailable
Definition: terminal.hpp:169
void UpdateColors()
This member function sets the new colors to the internal pen definitions.
Definition: terminal.cpp:2021
virtual void ResizeTerminal(int width, int height) override
Definition: terminal.cpp:2052
void clearBreakpoints(const std::string &_sFilename)
This member function removes all breakpoints from the passed file.
Definition: terminal.cpp:295
void GetDefColors(wxColor colors[16], NumeReTerminal::BOLDSTYLE boldStyle=NumeReTerminal::DEFAULT)
Definition: terminal.cpp:791
wxCriticalSection m_kernelCS
Definition: terminal.hpp:167
void UpdateSize()
Definition: terminal.cpp:1953
void scrollToInput()
This private member function scrolls the terminal all the way down.
Definition: terminal.cpp:1164
std::map< std::string, std::string > getMenuMap()
Returns the menu map of the installed plugins as a STL map.
Definition: terminal.cpp:214
NumeRe::Container< std::string > getStringTable(const std::string &sStringTableName)
This member function will return the named table containing strings.
Definition: terminal.cpp:979
void removeBreakpoint(const std::string &_sFilename, size_t nLine)
This member function removes a breakpoint from the passed file at the indicated line number.
Definition: terminal.cpp:280
int GetTermWidth()
Definition: terminal.hpp:288
void OnTimer(wxTimerEvent &event)
Definition: terminal.cpp:1786
void OnEnter(wxMouseEvent &event)
This member function handles the "Mouse Enter" event.
Definition: terminal.cpp:1361
int GetCursorBlinkRate()
Definition: terminal.hpp:249
std::string getDocumentation(const std::string &sCommand)
Gets the desired documentation article as a HTML string.
Definition: terminal.cpp:310
wxPen * m_colorPens
Definition: terminal.hpp:92
void OnChar(wxKeyEvent &event)
Definition: terminal.cpp:1012
void SetParent(NumeReWindow *frame)
Definition: terminal.hpp:125
virtual void ProcessInput(int len, const std::string &sData) override
Processes text received from the keybord or clipboard.
Definition: terminal.cpp:2118
wxBitmap * m_bitmap
Definition: terminal.hpp:107
wxFont m_boldFont
Definition: terminal.hpp:97
std::string m_sAnswer
Definition: terminal.hpp:175
void setKernelSettings(const Settings &)
This will pass the new kernel settings to the kernel.
Definition: terminal.cpp:399
void SetCursorBlinkRate(int rate)
Definition: terminal.cpp:866
std::map< std::string, std::string > getFunctionLanguageStrings()
This will return the language strings for the custom defined functions used by the language class for...
Definition: terminal.cpp:354
wxColour m_color_defs[16]
Definition: terminal.hpp:89
std::vector< std::string > getPathSettings()
Returns the standard paths as a STL vector.
Definition: terminal.cpp:185
void OnActivate(wxActivateEvent &event)
Definition: terminal.cpp:2168
int m_linesDisplayed
Definition: terminal.hpp:73
void Ready()
Inform the GUI that the kernel is ready for calculation.
Definition: terminal.cpp:2229
unsigned char m_curChar
Definition: terminal.hpp:78
bool SetFont(const wxFont &font)
Definition: terminal.cpp:746
void OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent &event)
Definition: terminal.cpp:1325
wxPen m_colorPen_defs[16]
Definition: terminal.hpp:92
BOLDSTYLE m_boldStyle
Definition: terminal.hpp:138
void OnLeftUp(wxMouseEvent &event)
Definition: terminal.cpp:1302
virtual wxThread::ExitCode Entry()
This is the main thread function and will be called repeatedly from the wxWidgets library.
Definition: terminal.cpp:438
void addBreakpoint(const std::string &_sFilename, size_t nLine)
This member function adds a breakpoint to the passed file at the indicated line number.
Definition: terminal.cpp:263
This class is the actual NumeRe main frame. The application's logic is implemented here.
Definition: NumeReWindow.h:177
This class implements an interface of the internal Settings object adapted to be usable from the GUI.
Definition: Options.h:178
This class manages the setting values of the internal (kernel) settings of this application.
Definition: settings.hpp:663
This class represents the calltip in the terminal. The associated window will only be shown and hidde...
char name[32]
Definition: resampler.cpp:371
This structure contains the data for a single calltip, which might be shown in the editor or the term...
This structure combines a vector of declared variables including their values and respective sizes wi...
Definition: kernel.hpp:80