23#include <wx/propgrid/propgrid.h>
24#include "../terminal/terminal.hpp"
25#include "../IconManager.h"
51 void OnAbort(wxCommandEvent& event);
53 void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event);
57 void autoDetect(
const wxArrayString& mainfiles);
58 void followBranch(
const std::string& sFile, std::set<std::string>& fileSet);
The terminal class for the GUI. It's a specialisation of the GenericTerminal.
This class represents a dialog for creating a package from a set of procedures.
wxArrayString getProcedures()
This member function will create a string array containing the procedure files, which are currently p...
void loadProjectFile(const wxString &filename)
Loads a NumeRe package project file to memory and updates the UI correspondingly.
PackageDialog(wxWindow *parent, NumeReTerminal *terminal, IconManager *icons)
void OnRemoveItems(wxCommandEvent &event)
This is the event handler for the remove files button.
void OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event)
Event handler, which is called, when the user closes the dialog.
void OnAutoDetect(wxCommandEvent &event)
This is the event handler for the autodetect button.
void saveProjectFile(const wxString &filename)
Saves a prepared package configuration as a NumeRe package project file to the HDD.
wxPropertyGrid * m_packageProperties
wxString getPackageIdentifier()
This member function returns the package identifier, which is constructed from the name and only cont...
void setMainFile(const wxString &mainfile)
This function can be used to insert the current mainfile to the dialog. Used by the main window,...
wxString getInstallInfo()
This member function will create the install information section of the package based upon the setted...
bool includeDocs()
This member function returns whether the user selected the "include docs" property.
void autoDetect(const wxArrayString &mainfiles)
This function autodetects the dependencies of the passed files by calling the PackageDialog::followBr...
void OnLoadProjectFile(wxCommandEvent &event)
Button event handler to load an existing project file.
void findLayoutDependencies(const std::string &sFile, std::set< std::string > &fileSet)
This member function uses the event procedures of a window layout file to create a dependency tree fo...
void OnCreatePackage(wxCommandEvent &event)
Called upon clicking on "Create package" button. Will ask for saving the project.
void OnAddItems(wxCommandEvent &event)
This is the event handler for the add files button.
void OnAbort(wxCommandEvent &event)
Called upon clicking on "Cancel" button. Will ask for saving the project.
NumeReTerminal * m_terminal
void followBranch(const std::string &sFile, std::set< std::string > &fileSet)
This function will recursively call itself to detect a whole branch of file dependencies.
void markUnsaved()
Marks the current project as modified.
wxString getPackageName()
This member function returns the name of the package, as been set by the user.
void OnPropGridChange(wxPropertyGridEvent &event)
Event handler for all property grid changes.
bool isSaved()
Returns true, if the current project is in a saved state.
void SaveOnClose()
Evaluates, whether the current project has been saved and prompt the user a saving dialog,...
void OnSaveProjectFile(wxCommandEvent &event)
Button event handler to save a prepared package setting to a project file.
wxString getPackageVersion()
Returns the version of the defined package as a simple string.
bool isPlugin()
This member function returns, whether the user selected a plugin type as install type.
wxString getDocFile()
Returns the user-chosen documentation file.