38 HelpViewer(wxWindow* parent,
NumeReWindow* m_main,
DocumentationBrowser* _browser) : wxHtmlWindow(parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_THEME | wxHW_SCROLLBAR_AUTO),
m_nHistoryPointer(0) {SetFonts(wxEmptyString,
39 virtual bool SetPage(
const wxString& source);
50 void OnEnter(wxMouseEvent& event);
This represents the main frame of the documentation browser, which contains the tabbed layout,...
This class renders the contents of a single page on the DocumentationBrowser. It also governs the bro...
bool GoIndex()
Public member function to display the index page.
std::vector< wxString > vHistory
bool Print()
Public member function to open the print preview page.
bool ShowPageOnItem(wxString docID)
Public member function to display a content in the viewer window. The type of the content is determin...
NumeReWindow * m_mainFrame
bool HistoryGoForward()
Public member function to go one step forward in the history.
virtual bool SetPage(const wxString &source)
Set the contents to be displayed in this window.
bool GoHome()
Public member function to return to the home page.
bool HistoryGoBack()
Public member function to go one step back in the history.
void OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent &event)
Event handler, which gets fired when the user presses a key.
void OnLinkClick(wxHtmlLinkEvent &event)
Event handler for the case that the user clicks on a link in the document.
DocumentationBrowser * m_browser
HelpViewer(wxWindow *parent, NumeReWindow *m_main, DocumentationBrowser *_browser)
void OnEnter(wxMouseEvent &event)
Event handler to automatically focus the window below the mouse pointer.
This class is the actual NumeRe main frame. The application's logic is implemented here.