struct | NumeRe::FileHeaderInfo |
| This structure wraps all necessary meta information of a single file. More...
class | NumeRe::GenericFile |
| Template class representing a generic file. This class may be specified for the main data type contained in the read or written table. All other file classes are derived from this class. This class cannot be instantiated directly, because the read and write methods are declared as pure virtual. More...
class | NumeRe::GenericFileView |
| This class is a facet for an arbitrary GenericFile instance. It can be used to read the contents of the contained file more easily. More...
class | NumeRe::TextDataFile |
| This class resembles an arbitrary text data file, which is formatted in a table-like manner. The columns may be separated using tabulators and/or whitespace characters. More...
class | NumeRe::NumeReDataFile |
| This class resembles the binary NumeRe data file format. The data is red and written in binary mode using the methods from GenericFile. More...
class | NumeRe::CacheFile |
| This class resembles the cache file used to autosave and recover the tables in memory. It is derived from the NumeRe data file format and uses its functionalities to layout the data in the file: the cache file starts with a header containing the number of tables in the file and the character positions in the file, where each table starts. The tables themselves are written in the NumeRe data file format. More...
class | NumeRe::CassyLabx |
| This class resembles the CASSYLab *.labx file format, which is based upon XML. Only reading from this file format is supported. More...
class | NumeRe::CommaSeparatedValues |
| This class resembles a comma separated value file format (*.csv). The algorithm may detect the separator character automatically. Reading and writing is supported for this file format. More...
class | NumeRe::LaTeXTable |
| This class resembles a LaTeX table. This class formats the data into this format using some heuristics on whether a long table or a standard table is needed to contain the tabular data. Only writing is supported by this file format. More...
class | NumeRe::JcampDX |
| This class resembles a JCAMP-DX file format (*.jcm, *.jdx, *.dx). The data in this format may be hashed somehow to save storage. Only reading is suported by this class. More...
class | NumeRe::OpenDocumentSpreadSheet |
| This class resembles an OpenDocument spreadsheet (*.ods), which is based upon a zipped XML file. The data is read using the Zipfile extractor from GenericFile. Only reading is supported by this class. More...
class | NumeRe::XLSSpreadSheet |
| This class resembles an Excel (97) workbook (*.xls), which is composed out of a compound file. Reading and writing is done using the BasicExcel library. More...
class | NumeRe::XLSXSpreadSheet |
| This class resembles an Excel (2003) spreadsheet (*.xlsx), which is based upon a zipped XML file. The data is read using the Zipfile extractor from GenericFile. Only reading is supported by this class. More...
class | NumeRe::IgorBinaryWave |
| This class resembles an Igor binary wave file format (*.ibw). The data is read by the WaveMetrics implementation of the file format. Only reading is supported by this class. More...
class | NumeRe::ZygoDat |
| This class implements a Zygo MetroPro binary dat file. The data is read by accessing the ZygoLib. More...