92 void resolveProcedureCalls(std::string sCommandLine,
const std::string& sProcedureName,
const std::string& sCurrentNameSpace);
This class handles the dependencies of the current procedure file (passed as pointer to a ProcedureEl...
std::string getProcedureName(std::string sCommandLine) const
This member function extracts the procedure name from the procedure head.
std::map< std::string, DependencyList > mDependencies
std::map< std::string, DependencyList > & getDependencyMap()
void resolveProcedureCalls(std::string sCommandLine, const std::string &sProcedureName, const std::string &sCurrentNameSpace)
This member function resilves the procedure calls contained in the current procedure command line.
std::string sMainProcedure
std::string getProcedureFileName(std::string sProc) const
This member function returns the file name of the current called procedure.
std::string sThisFileNameSpacePrefix
Dependencies(ProcedureElement *procedureFile)
Dependencies constructor.
int getProcedureDependencies(ProcedureElement *procedureFile, int nCurrentLine)
This member function calculates the dependencies of the current procedure.
std::string sThisNameSpace
void walk(ProcedureElement *procedureFile)
This member function will walk through the file and redirect the control to getProcedureDependencies(...
std::string getMainProcedure() const
This class resembles a simple dependency containing a procedure name and the corresponding file name.
const std::string & getProcedureName() const
Dependency(const std::string &sProcName, const std::string &sFile)
std::string & getFileName()
std::string sProcedureName
std::string & getProcedureName()
This class is a child of the std::list, where the function unique() has been overridden (i....
void unique()
Implementation of DependencyList::unique.
This class contains the pre-parsed contents of a single procedure file.