24#include "../ParserLib/muParser.h"
27#include "../settings.hpp"
28#include "../structures.hpp"
This class is defined to abstrahize the determination of the correct data object and the calculation ...
Indices & getIndices()
Returns a reference to the stored indices.
void evalIndices()
Evaluates open end indices using the identified data object size.
bool isCluster() const
Determines, whether the data access references a cluster.
std::string & getDataObject()
Returns a reference to the data object identifier.
std::vector< size_t > getDataGridDimensions() const
Covenience wrapper method for the global function.
DataAccessParser default constructor.
std::string getIndexString()
This member function returns the index definitions as a human-readable string.
This class represents a single table in memory, or a - so to say - single memory page to be handled b...
This class represents the central memory managing instance. It will handle all tables and clusters,...
This class manages the setting values of the internal (kernel) settings of this application.
This class is the immutable (const) version of a string view. It can be constructed from a MutableStr...
This class abstracts all the index logics, i.e. the logical differences between single indices and in...
bool isValid() const
This member function determines, whether the internal index set is valid.
Mathematical expressions parser.
mu::value_type getDataFromObject(const std::string &sObject, long long int i, long long int j, bool isCluster)
This function returns the data from the selected object and switches automatically between tables and...
bool parser_CheckMultArgFunc(const std::string &, const std::string &)
This function checks, whether the argument located between sLeft and sRight is part of a multi-argume...
bool isClusterCandidate(std::string &sLine, std::string &sCluster, bool doCut=true)
This function checks, whether the passed command line contains the syntax for a cluster candidate,...
DataAccessParser getAccessParserForPlotAndFit(StringView sExpression)
This function will return the access parser instance for the current expression validate,...
Indices getIndices(StringView sCmd, mu::Parser &_parser, MemoryManager &_data, const Settings &_option)
Wrapper for the new getIndices function interface.
std::string getDataElements(std::string &sLine, mu::Parser &_parser, MemoryManager &_data, const Settings &_option, int options=REPLACE_NAN)
Searches the passed string for calls to any table or cluster and replaces them with internal vectors ...
size_t findAssignmentOperator(StringView sCmd)
bool isNotEmptyExpression(const std::string &)
This function checks, whether the passed expression is non-empty (i.e. it contains more than white sp...
Memory * extractRange(const std::string &sCmd, DataAccessParser &_accessParser, int nDesiredCols=-1, bool bSort=false)
This function extracts a portion of a table and returns it to the calling function....
Indices getIndicesForPlotAndFit(const std::string &sExpression, std::string &sDataTable, int &nColumns, bool &openEnd, bool &isCluster)
This function will calculate the indices from the passed data expression and return them optimized fo...
void replaceDataEntities(std::string &, const std::string &, MemoryManager &, mu::Parser &, const Settings &, int options=NO_OPTION)
This function replaces all calls to a single data entity with an internal vector or its value,...
std::vector< size_t > getDataGridDimensions(const Indices &_idx, const std::string &sTableName)
Returns the accessed data grid dimensions.
bool isValidIndexSet(const Indices &_idx)
MUP_BASETYPE value_type
The numeric datatype used by the parser.
This structure is central for managing the indices of a table or cluster read or write data access....