22#include "../datamanagement/memorymanager.hpp"
23#include "../ParserLib/muParser.h"
24#include "../settings.hpp"
25#include "../commandlineparser.hpp"
This class provides the functionality to extract the different components of a command line into the ...
This class implements the function definition managing instance.
This class represents the central memory managing instance. It will handle all tables and clusters,...
This class manages the setting values of the internal (kernel) settings of this application.
Mathematical expressions parser.
bool findZeroes(CommandLineParser &cmdParser)
This function is a wrapper to the actual zeros localisation function localizeZero() further below.
void urlExecute(CommandLineParser &cmdParser)
This function implements the url command providing an interface to http(s) and (s)ftp URLs.
bool writeAudioFile(CommandLineParser &cmdParser)
This function creates a WAVE file from the selected data set.
bool shortTimeFourierAnalysis(CommandLineParser &cmdParser)
This function performs the short-time fourier analysis on the passed data set.
bool integrate2d(CommandLineParser &cmdParser)
Calculate the integral of a function in two dimensions.
void rotateTable(CommandLineParser &cmdParser)
This function rotates a table, an image or a datagrid around a specified angle.
bool analyzePulse(CommandLineParser &cmdParser)
This function performs a pulse analysis on the selected data set.
bool createDatagrid(CommandLineParser &cmdParser)
This function calculates a datagrid from passed functions or (x-y-z) data values.
bool readAudioFile(CommandLineParser &cmdParser)
Reads either the audio file meta information or the whole audio file to memory.
bool fastWaveletTransform(CommandLineParser &cmdParser)
This function calculates the fast wavelet transform of the passed data set.
void boneDetection(CommandLineParser &cmdParser)
This function is the implementation of the detect command.
bool differentiate(CommandLineParser &cmdParser)
Calculate the numerical differential of the passed expression or data set.
bool findExtrema(CommandLineParser &cmdParser)
This function is a wrapper to the actual extrema localisation function localizeExtremum() further bel...
bool seekInAudioFile(CommandLineParser &cmdParser)
Seek a position in an audiofile and extract a length of samples from it.
void taylor(CommandLineParser &cmdParser)
This function approximates the passed expression using Taylor's method.
bool calculateSplines(CommandLineParser &cmdParser)
This function approximates the passed data set using cubic splines.
bool fitDataSet(std::string &sCmd, mu::Parser &_parser, MemoryManager &_data, FunctionDefinitionManager &_functions, const Settings &_option)
bool regularizeDataSet(CommandLineParser &cmdParser)
This function regularizes the samples of a defined x-y-data array such that DeltaX is equal for every...
bool integrate(CommandLineParser &cmdParser)
Calculate the integral of a function or a data set in a single dimension.
void particleSwarmOptimizer(CommandLineParser &cmdParser)
This function implements a particle swarm optimizer in up to four dimensions (depending on the number...
bool evalPoints(CommandLineParser &cmdParser)
This function samples a defined expression in an array of discrete values.
bool fastFourierTransform(CommandLineParser &cmdParser)
This function calculates the fast fourier transform of the passed data set.