25#include "../settings.hpp"
26#include "../datamanagement/memorymanager.hpp"
27#include "../ParserLib/muParser.h"
29#include "../datamanagement/dataaccess.hpp"
This class implements the function definition managing instance.
This class represents the central memory managing instance. It will handle all tables and clusters,...
This class manages the setting values of the internal (kernel) settings of this application.
Mathematical expressions parser.
MUP_BASETYPE value_type
The numeric datatype used by the parser.
bool evaluateIndices(const std::string &sCache, Indices &_idx, MemoryManager &_data)
This function will evaluate the passed indices, so that they match the dimensions of the passed cache...
unsigned int getPositionOfFirstDelimiter(const std::string &)
This function returns the position of the first delimiter in the passed string, but it jumps over par...
std::string evaluateTargetOptionInCommand(std::string &sCmd, const std::string &sDefaultTarget, Indices &_idx, mu::Parser &_parser, MemoryManager &_data, const Settings &_option)
This function evaluates the "target=TABLE()" expression and creates the target table,...
int integralFactorial(int nNumber)
This function returns the factorial of the passed integral value.
std::string addMissingVectorComponent(const std::string &, const std::string &, const std::string &, bool)
This function determines the value of missing vector components (i.e. a vector contains not enough el...
void convertVectorToExpression(std::string &, const Settings &)
This function replaces vector expressions with their corresponding multi- expression equation.
std::vector< double > readAndParseIntervals(std::string &sExpr, mu::Parser &_parser, MemoryManager &_data, FunctionDefinitionManager &_functions, const Settings &_option, bool bEraseInterval=false)
This function will read the interval syntax in commands and return their values in a single vector.
size_t findVariableInExpression(const std::string &sExpr, const std::string &sVarName, size_t nPosStart=0)
This function searches for the selected variable in the passed string and returns the position of the...
std::string promptForUserInput(const std::string &__sCommand)
This function is invoked, if a prompt operator ("??") was found in a string.
mu::value_type * getPointerToVariable(const std::string &sVarName, mu::Parser &_parser)
This function returns the pointer to the passed variable.
This structure is central for managing the indices of a table or cluster read or write data access....