NumeRe v1.1.4
NumeRe: Framework für Numerische Rechnungen
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 NumeRe: Framework fuer Numerische Rechnungen
3 Copyright (C) 2014 Erik Haenel et al.
5 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with this program. If not, see <>.
21 * Deklarationen saemtlicher Parser-Funktionen
22 */
26#include "../ParserLib/muParser.h"
28using namespace mu;
30// Scaling operator callback functions
38// Unit conversion callback functions
64// Imaginary unit
73// Actual math functions
137value_type parser_ivl(const value_type&, const value_type&, const value_type&, const value_type&, const value_type&);
161// Operator functions
169// Numerical variable factory
value_type parser_isnan(const value_type &)
Returns, whether the selected value is NaN.
value_type parser_Max(const value_type *, int)
This function calculates the maximal value of all elements in the passed array.
value_type parser_Norm(const value_type *, int)
This function calculates the vector norm of the elements in the passed array.
value_type parser_asech(const value_type &)
This function returns the inverse hyperbolic secant of the passed value.
value_type parser_erfc(const value_type &)
This function calculates the complementary gaussian error function.
value_type parser_Foot(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1ft.
value_type parser_rect(const value_type &, const value_type &, const value_type &)
This is the rect function.
value_type parser_AstroUnit(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1AU.
value_type parser_BetheWeizsaecker(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function calculates the nucleic core binding energy according the Bethe Weizsäcker formula.
value_type parser_clock()
This function returns the current CPU clock count.
value_type parser_MaxPos(const value_type *, int)
This function returns the index of the (first) maximal value in the array.
value_type parser_is_string(const value_type &)
This function is a numerical version of the string is_string() function. Used as a fallback.
value_type parser_Avg(const value_type *, int)
This function calculates the average of all elements in passed array.
value_type parser_EllipticF(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function returns the value of the elliptic intergal F(phi,k).
value_type parser_Inch(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1in.
value_type parser_imSphericalHarmonics(const value_type &, const value_type &, const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function calculates the imaginary part of the selected spherical harmonics.
value_type parser_theta(const value_type &, const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function calculates the angle of a vector and the z axis in any z-r plane (the polar angle theta...
value_type parser_rect2polar(const value_type &)
Converts a rectangular representation into polar representation and returns it as a new complex numbe...
value_type parser_compare(const value_type *, int)
This function searches for elements of a specified type in the passed array.
value_type parser_Heaviside(const value_type &)
This function represents the Heaviside (theta) function.
value_type parser_and(const value_type *, int)
This function calculates the logical AND operation between all elements in the passed array.
value_type parser_asec(const value_type &)
This function returns the inverse secant of the passed value.
value_type parser_or(const value_type *, int)
This function calculates the logical OR operation between all elements in the passed array.
value_type parser_Celsius(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1°C.
value_type parser_Gauss(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1Gs.
value_type parser_date(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function converts UNIX time values into a selected part of a time stamp.
value_type parser_BinAND(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function represents the binary AND operator.
value_type parser_beta(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function returns the value of the Beta function.
value_type parser_product(const value_type *, int)
This function calculates the product of all elements in the passed array.
value_type parser_ZernikeRadial(int, int, const value_type &)
This function calculates the radial part of the Zernike polynomials.
value_type parser_erf(const value_type &)
This function calculates the gaussian error function.
value_type parser_xor(const value_type *, int)
This function calculates the logical XOR operation between all elements in the passed array.
value_type parser_Mega(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1M.
value_type parser_digamma(const value_type &)
This function returns the value of the Digamma function.
value_type parser_AiryB(const value_type &)
This function calculates the Airy function Bi(x).
value_type parser_mol(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1mol.
value_type parser_Giga(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1G.
value_type parser_lcm(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function returns the least common multiple of both arguments.
value_type parser_Micro(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1mu.
value_type * parser_AddVariable(const char_type *, void *)
This function represents the numerical variable factory. New memory is allocated in this function and...
value_type parser_imag(const value_type &)
Extracts the imaginary part of a complex number.
value_type parser_XOR(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function represent the XOR operator.
value_type parser_time()
This function returns the current UNIX time.
value_type parser_zeta(const value_type &)
This function returns the value of the Zeta function.
value_type parser_Random(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function returns a uniformly distributed random number between both boundaries.
value_type parser_Med(const value_type *, int)
This function calculates the median of the elements in the passed array.
value_type parser_BinOR(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function represents the binary OR operator.
value_type parser_ivl(const value_type &, const value_type &, const value_type &, const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function describes an interval with borders of a selected type (including, excluding,...
value_type parser_Knoten(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1kn.
value_type parser_EllipticP(const value_type &, const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function returns the value of the elliptic intergal Pi(phi,n,k).
value_type parser_Not(const value_type &)
Function representing the logical NOT operator.
value_type parser_Angstroem(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1A.
value_type parser_HermitePolynomial(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function calculates the Hermite polynomials of the selected order.
value_type parser_EllipticD(const value_type &, const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function returns the value of the elliptic intergal D(phi,n,k).
value_type parser_clausen(const value_type &)
This function returns the value of the Clausen function.
value_type parser_Lightyear(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1ly.
value_type parser_kmh(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1kmh.
value_type parser_AssociatedLaguerrePolynomial(const value_type &, const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function calculates the associated Laguerre polynomials of the selected order.
value_type parser_doubleFaculty(const value_type &)
Function representing the double faculty of any natural number.
value_type parser_acsch(const value_type &)
This function returns the inverse hyperbolic cosecant of the passed value.
value_type parser_imaginaryUnit(const value_type &)
Multiplies a number with the imaginary unit.
value_type parser_sech(const value_type &)
This function returns the hyperbolic secant of the passed value.
value_type parser_liter(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1l.
value_type parser_interval(const value_type &, const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function numerically defines a valid value range (the value is set to NaN, if outside of this ra...
value_type parser_studentFactor(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function returns the Student factor s_t for the selected degrees of freedom and a confidence int...
value_type parser_round(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function rounds the passed value to the selected number of decimals.
value_type parser_Poise(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1Ps.
value_type parser_PSI(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1psi.
value_type parser_toDegree(const value_type &)
This function converts radian to degree.
value_type parser_IrregularCylBessel(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function calculates the irregulary bessel (von Neumann) function.
value_type parser_sleep(const value_type &)
Sleeps for the passed amount of milliseconds and returns this number.
value_type parser_ElectronVolt(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1eV.
value_type parser_roof(const value_type &)
This is the roof (ceil) function.
value_type parser_dilogarithm(const value_type &)
This function returns the value of the Dilogarithm Li2(x).
value_type parser_SphericalBessel(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function calculates the spherical bessel function.
value_type parser_Mod(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function represents the Modulo operator.
value_type parser_MinPos(const value_type *, int)
This function returns the index of the (first) minimal value in the array.
value_type parser_Num(const value_type *, int)
This function returns the number of valid elements in its array.
value_type parser_conj(const value_type &)
Calculates the complex conjugate number of the passed complex number.
value_type parser_Std(const value_type *, int)
This function calculates the standard deviation of the elements in the passed array.
value_type parser_Fahrenheit(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1°F.
value_type parser_Curie(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1C.
value_type parser_Zernike(const value_type &, const value_type &, const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function calculates the selected Zernike polynomials.
value_type parser_Calorie(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1cal.
value_type parser_weeknum(const value_type &)
This function returns the calendar week associated with the passed time value.
value_type parser_log_b(const value_type &, const value_type &)
Calculates the logarithm of x using the base b.
value_type parser_mph(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1mph.
value_type parser_Ignore(const value_type &)
Identity function. Used for ignoring functions and parameters in special cases.
value_type parser_polygamma(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function returns the value if the Polygamma function.
value_type parser_Binom(const value_type &, const value_type &)
Function representing the binomial coefficient.
value_type parser_Fermi(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1fm.
value_type parser_Min(const value_type *, int)
This function calculates the minimal value of all elements in the passed array.
value_type parser_polynomial(const value_type *, int)
This function implements an abstract polynomial of an arbitrary order.
value_type parser_Yard(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1yd.
value_type parser_Torr(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1Torr/1mmhg.
value_type parser_cot(const value_type &)
This function returns the cotangent of the passed value.
value_type parser_EllipticE(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function returns the value of the elliptic intergal E(phi,k).
value_type parser_Sum(const value_type *, int)
This function summarizes all elements in the passed array.
value_type parser_SphericalNeumann(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function calculates the spherical von Neumann function.
value_type parser_toRadian(const value_type &)
This function converts degree to radian.
value_type parser_SinusCardinalis(const value_type &)
This function calculates the cardinal sine of x.
value_type parser_real(const value_type &)
Extracts the real part of a complex number.
value_type parser_sec(const value_type &)
This function returns the secant of the passed value.
value_type parser_AiryA(const value_type &)
This function calculates the Airy function Ai(x).
value_type parser_Cnt(const value_type *, int)
This functioon simply returns the number of elements in its array (even the invalid ones).
value_type parser_gRandom(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function returns a gaussian distributed random number using the passed values as mean and standa...
value_type parser_Milli(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1m.
value_type parser_gcd(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function returns the greatest common divisor of both argments.
value_type parser_polar2rect(const value_type &)
Converts a polar representation into a rectangular representation and returns it as a new complex num...
value_type parser_complex(const value_type &, const value_type &)
Construct a complex number from two real numbers.
value_type parser_LegendrePolynomial(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function calculates the Legendre polynomials of the selected order.
value_type parser_numereversion()
Returns the version number of NumeRe as a natural number.
value_type parser_csch(const value_type &)
This function returns the hyperbolic cosecant of the passed value.
value_type parser_gamma(const value_type &)
This function calculates the riemannian Gamma function.
value_type parser_Kilo(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1k.
value_type parser_Parsec(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1pc.
value_type parser_Faculty(const value_type &)
Function representing the faculty of any natural number.
value_type parser_AssociatedLegendrePolynomial(const value_type &, const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function calculates the associated Legendre polynomials of the selected order.
value_type parser_perlin(const value_type *, int)
This function implements the perlin noise function.
value_type parser_Barn(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1bn.
value_type parser_floor(const value_type &)
This is the floor function.
value_type parser_phi(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function calculates the angle of a vector and the x axis in the x-y plane (the azimuthal angle p...
value_type parser_SphericalHarmonics(const value_type &, const value_type &, const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function calculates the real part of the selected spherical harmonics.
value_type parser_Nano(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1n.
value_type parser_Mile(const value_type &)
Conversion function for 1mi.
value_type parser_csc(const value_type &)
This function returns the cosecant of the passed value.
value_type parser_LaguerrePolynomial(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function calculates the Laguerre polynomials of the selected order.
value_type parser_Pct(const value_type *, int)
This function calculates the selected percentile of the passed array.
value_type parser_RegularCylBessel(const value_type &, const value_type &)
This function calculates the regulary bessel function.
value_type parser_acsc(const value_type &)
This function returns the inverse cosecant of the passed value.
Namespace for mathematical applications.
Definition: muParser.cpp:53
MUP_BASETYPE value_type
The numeric datatype used by the parser.
Definition: muParserDef.h:251
string_type::value_type char_type
The character type used by the parser.
Definition: muParserDef.h:263