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NumeRe v1.1.4
NumeRe: Framework für Numerische Rechnungen
This is the complete list of members for Memory, including all inherited members.
ALL enum value | Memory | |
Allocate(size_t _nNCols, bool shrink=false) | Memory | private |
and_func(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | |
AppDir enum name | Memory | |
avg(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | |
bSaveMutex | Memory | private |
bSortCaseInsensitive | Memory | private |
calculateStats(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol, std::vector< StatsLogic > &operation) const | Memory | private |
clear() | Memory | private |
cmp(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol, mu::value_type dRef=0.0, int _nType=0) const | Memory | |
cnt(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | |
COLS enum value | Memory | |
compare(int i, int j, int col) override | Memory | privatevirtual |
convert() | Memory | |
convertColumns(const VectorIndex &_vCol, const std::string &_sType) | Memory | |
copyElementsInto(std::vector< mu::value_type > *vTarget, const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | |
countIfEqual(const VectorIndex &_vCols, const std::vector< mu::value_type > &vValues, const std::vector< std::string > &vStringValues) const | Memory | |
createTableHeaders() | Memory | private |
deleteBulk(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol) | Memory | |
deleteEntry(int _nLine, int _nCol) | Memory | |
evaluateKeyList(std::string &sKeyList, long long int nColumnCount) | Sorter | |
extractRange(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | |
extractTable(const std::string &_sTable, const VectorIndex &lines, const VectorIndex &cols) | Memory | |
findCols(const std::vector< std::string > &vColNames) const | Memory | |
findValidBoundary(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol, int i, int j) const | Memory | private |
getAppendedZeroes(size_t _i) const | Memory | |
getBins(size_t col, size_t nBins) const | Memory | |
getCategoryList(const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | |
getCols(bool _bFull=false) const | Memory | |
getComment() const | Memory | |
getCovariance(size_t col1, const VectorIndex &_vIndex1, size_t col2, const VectorIndex &_vIndex2) const | Memory | |
getElemsInColumn(size_t col) const | Memory | |
getFilledElemsInColumn(size_t col) const | Memory | |
getHeadlineCount() const | Memory | |
getHeadLineElement(size_t _i) const | Memory | |
getHeadLineElement(const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | |
getIndex(size_t col, const std::vector< mu::value_type > &vValues, const std::vector< std::string > &vStringValues) const | Memory | |
getLastSaved() const | Memory | |
getLines(bool _bFull=false) const | Memory | |
getMetaData() const | Memory | |
getOneWayAnova(size_t colCategories, size_t colValues, const VectorIndex &_vIndex, double significance) const | Memory | |
getPearsonCorr(size_t col1, const VectorIndex &_vIndex1, size_t col2, const VectorIndex &_vIndex2) const | Memory | |
getRank(size_t col, const VectorIndex &_vIndex, RankingStrategy _strat) const | Memory | |
getSaveStatus() const | Memory | |
getSize() const | Memory | |
getSpearmanCorr(size_t col1, const VectorIndex &_vIndex1, size_t col2, const VectorIndex &_vIndex2) const | Memory | |
getType(const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | |
getZScore(size_t col, const VectorIndex &_vIndex) const | Memory | |
GRID enum value | Memory | |
importTable(NumeRe::Table _table, const VectorIndex &lines, const VectorIndex &cols) | Memory | |
isValid() const | Memory | |
isValidElement(size_t _nLine, size_t _nCol) const | Memory | |
isValue(int line, int col) override | Memory | privatevirtual |
LINES enum value | Memory | |
m_meta | Memory | private |
markModified() | Memory | |
max(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | |
maxpos(const VectorIndex &_vIndex, int dir) const | Memory | |
med(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | |
memArray | Memory | private |
Memory() | Memory | |
Memory(size_t _nCols) | Memory | |
MemoryManager | Memory | friend |
min(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | |
minpos(const VectorIndex &_vIndex, int dir) const | Memory | |
nCalcLines | Memory | mutableprivate |
norm(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | |
num(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | |
NumeRe::FileAdapter | Memory | friend |
onlyValidValues(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | private |
operator=(const Memory &other) | Memory | |
or_func(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | |
pct(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol, mu::value_type dPct=0.5) const | Memory | |
prd(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | |
qSort(int *nIndex, int nElements, int nColumn, long long int nLeft, long long int nRight, int nSign) | Sorter | |
qSortImplementation(int *nIndex, int nElements, int nColumn, long long int nLeft, long long int nRight, int nSign) | Sorter | private |
RANK_COMPETETIVE enum value | Memory | |
RANK_DENSE enum value | Memory | |
RANK_FRACTIONAL enum value | Memory | |
RankingStrategy enum name | Memory | |
readMem(size_t _nLine, size_t _nCol) const | Memory | |
readMem(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | |
readMemAsMatrix(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | |
readMemAsString(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | |
readMemInterpolated(double _dLine, double _dCol) const | Memory | |
readMixedMem(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | |
reorderColumn(const VectorIndex &vIndex, int i1, int i2, int j1=0) | Memory | private |
resample(VectorIndex _vLine, VectorIndex _vCol, std::pair< size_t, size_t > samples, AppDir Direction=ALL, std::string sFilter="lanczos3") | Memory | |
resizeMemory(size_t _nLines, size_t _nCols) | Memory | |
retouch(VectorIndex _vLine, VectorIndex _vCol, AppDir Direction=ALL) | Memory | |
retouch1D(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol, AppDir Direction) | Memory | private |
retouch2D(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol) | Memory | private |
save(std::string _sFileName, const std::string &sTableName, unsigned short nPrecision) | Memory | |
setCategories(const VectorIndex &_vCol, const std::vector< std::string > &vCategories) | Memory | |
setHeadLineElement(size_t _i, const std::string &_sHead) | Memory | |
setMetaData(const NumeRe::TableMetaData &meta) | Memory | |
setSaveStatus(bool _bIsSaved) | Memory | |
shrink() | Memory | |
size(const VectorIndex &_vIndex, int dir) const | Memory | |
smooth(VectorIndex _vLine, VectorIndex _vCol, NumeRe::FilterSettings _settings, AppDir Direction=ALL) | Memory | |
smoothingWindow1D(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol, size_t i, size_t j, NumeRe::Filter *_filter, bool smoothLines) | Memory | private |
smoothingWindow2D(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol, size_t i, size_t j, NumeRe::Filter *_filter) | Memory | private |
sortElements(int i1, int i2, int j1=0, int j2=0, const std::string &sSortingExpression="") | Memory | |
sortSubList(int *nIndex, int nElements, ColumnKeys *KeyList, long long int i1, long long int i2, long long int j1, int nSign, long long int nColumns) | Sorter | |
std(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | |
sum(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | |
writeComment(const std::string &comment) | Memory | |
writeData(int _nLine, int _nCol, const mu::value_type &_dData) | Memory | |
writeData(int _nLine, int _nCol, const std::string &sValue) | Memory | |
writeData(Indices &_idx, mu::value_type *_dData, unsigned int _nNum) | Memory | |
writeData(Indices &_idx, const ValueVector &_values) | Memory | |
writeDataDirect(int _nLine, int _nCol, const mu::value_type &_dData) | Memory | |
writeDataDirectUnsafe(int _nLine, int _nCol, const mu::value_type &_dData) | Memory | |
writeSingletonData(Indices &_idx, const mu::value_type &_dData) | Memory | |
writeSingletonData(Indices &_idx, const std::string &_sValue) | Memory | |
xor_func(const VectorIndex &_vLine, const VectorIndex &_vCol) const | Memory | |
~Memory() | Memory | |
~Sorter() | Sorter | inlinevirtual |